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Race Reports

Savannah Rock and Roll
The Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon/Half Marathon debuted the weekend of Saturday, 5 November. The packet pickup on Friday was a bit hard to get to as the civic center is on an island with limited access. I was in traffic for about an hour, although part of that was my fault for missing a turn. The races themselves went pretty smoothly. We began in the historic area near the river district, and then took a long tour of Savannah on foot, as we went through quite a few neighborhoods. Crowd support was pretty nice, and there were a lot of bands, par for the course for a Rock and Roll event. The temperatures were in the 50s, that was nice. The one downside was the wind, it was windy at times. In particular, there was long stretch on the Truman Parkway from about mile 21 to mile 24 that was really bad. All in all I would do this event again, although I also want to stay home and do the James Island Connector Run some time. I did okay, 4:06:00, my best this year. Other Charleston-area runners included Dan Rodell, who had his second faster ever (3:06 and change), while Karen Heitner had her personal best. Joanie Mulvihill took 2nd in her age group, I took 25th in mine, and Dan Clapper took a bunch of pictures during the race.
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